Fluid Shield Fog Free Mask (w/ and w/o shield)

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30 boxes Fluidshield Fog Free mask with shield (EN14683/ Type 11R/4714727

40 boxes Fluidshield Fog Free mask w/o shield (4710717)

No expiration date.

Request Process: If you need any items from the regional cache, your first contact is your RHC (Regional Hospital Coordinator). If you are unable to reach your RHC, contact the other representative RHC. If you are unable to reach either RHC, contact the Regional Medical Communications Center (RMCC) which is staffed 24/7.

  • East Regional Hospital Coordinator:  Wanda Roberts at (865) 202-9800
  • Knox Regional Hospital Coordinator: John Brinkley at (865) 216-6280
  • RMCC  (865) 305-8500