(1) 250 KW XQ230 Emer. Generators

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The KET Coalition currently has one (1)  250KW EMERGENCY POWER GENERATORs. (Caterpillar XQ230) The generators were purchased with ASPR regional supplemental funding, and may be shared between members of the Knox/ East Tennessee Healthcare Coalition or any other entity as deemed appropriate by Tennessee Department of Health.    Healthcare facilities in crisis power situations will receive priority and generator can be moved at the discretion of the RHC.  Real events will take precedence for usage.

The intent for use of this generator is for emergent situations only and not to replace facility required units. It may be used for no more than 30 days. If an extension is required, it must be presented to the Coalition for approval. This unit is meant to serve as an emergency back-up when situations warrant, and not for long term facility use.

A shared usage agreement form must be signed before the generator can be moved. Current location of the generator is LaFollette Medical Center.

Generator Specs

Request Process: If you need any items from the regional cache, your first contact is your RHC (Regional Hospital Coordinator). If you are unable to reach your RHC, contact the other representative RHC. If you are unable to reach either RHC, contact the Regional Medical Communications Center (RMCC) which is staffed 24/7.

  • East Regional Hospital Coordinator:  Wanda Roberts at (865) 202-9800
  • Knox Regional Hospital Coordinator:  John Brinkley at (865) 216-6280
  • RMCC  (865) 305-8500