Teaching our CMS Partners How to “Rap”

December 12th in the community room at the Health Department brought food, laughter, and yes, "rapping." John Brinkley and a crew of helpers taught three classes of Stop-the-Bleed to the CMS17 group. The 62 students learned how to respond in the case of an...

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New CMS17 Logo

Recently the KET Coalition sponsored a logo contest for our CMS group and the final winning logo is attached. Congratulations Caitlin Yount on your original design! Caitlin is a Patient Care Coordinator with Avalon Hospice. Great...

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Death By a Million Paper Cuts

Recently, the Knoxville/ East Tennessee Healthcare Coalition sponsored a training with responders from the Joplin tornado event.  With speakers from law enforcement, social media, and pharmacy, unique perspectives were seen. Each presenter spoke on their professional...

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Get Ready to Shake Out!

Millions of people worldwide will practice how to Drop, Cover, and Hold On at 10:17 a.m. on October 17* during Great ShakeOut Earthquake Drills! You can join them today by registering for the 2019 Great Central U.S. ShakeOut. Participating is a great way for your...

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