New CMS17 Logo

Recently the KET Coalition sponsored a logo contest for our CMS group and the final winning logo is attached. Congratulations Caitlin Yount on your original design! Caitlin is a Patient Care Coordinator with Avalon Hospice. Great job and thank you to all those who...

Representing in Savannah!

The KET Coalition was well represented at the 2018  Emergency Management Summit and Training Session in Savannah, Ga.  Coalition members submitted abstracts  and all four were selected for presentation:  Oseana Britton (East TN Children’s Hospital)/ Charity...

60 Seconds to Survival

KET Coalition member Angie Bowen has served the healthcare community of East Tennessee and been an active member of the KET Coalition for many years. Angie has 26 years of emergency nursing experience and has held multiple leadership roles in the emergency response...