lIn a weekend of remembrance and celebration, the Knox/East Tennessee Healthcare Coalition (KETHC) offered support for the 2022 McGhee Tyson Airshow operations with deployment of the handicap restroom trailer. John Brinkley (Knox RHC) staffed the military Emergency Operations Center (EOC), while Wanda Roberts (East RHC), staffed the civilian EOC, as representatives for the Coalition during the event. 

Additionally, handwashing stations and portable air conditioners were used at the Tennova Medical tent which was a joint military and civilian opeation. Medical response was supported by a multi-agency civilian response (Region II EMS and surrounding Fire Departments) utilizing ambulances, low speed vehicles, ambus, bike/segway teams and military personnel from the Air Force and Army medical teams.

Special thanks to Paul Trumpore for logistics in getting the trailer in place. It was a valued asset for the event, and we were proud to support our local community in this overwhelmingly supported event. To see the joy on a child’s face was a good reminder of how important our support is to ensure smooth operations at community events. We were even fortunate enough to run into a few old friends.