October 27, 2015

8:00am to 12:30pm Eastern Time

Registration starts at 7:45 am


Lighthouse Knoxville Event Center:  6800 Baum Drive Knoxville, TN 37919


The Knox/East TN Healthcare Coalition will sponsor a Highly Infectious Disease/Bio-Safety workshop led by subject matter expert Dr. Gavin Macgregror-Skinner, BVSc, MSc, MPH, MRCVS.  Gavin, an epidemiologist and Global Projects Manager for the Elizabeth R. Griffin Foundation, has led teams of physicians in response to the Ebola outbreak in West Africa. In addition to consulting with Emory University, his extensive resume includes Assistant Professor in the Department of Public Health Sciences, College of Medicine, Penn State University, and Director of Global Disaster Response at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Harvard Medical School Teaching Hospital.

Objective:  Discuss the lessons learned from recent highly infectious disease outbreaks.  Define bio-safety, containment, and standard precautions.  Understand how principles of universal precautions and bio-safety apply to caring for highly infectious patient, and healthcare worker safety.

Audience:  Hospitals, Other inpatient/outpatient healthcare facilities, Emergency Medical Services, Public Health, and other Community Stakeholders.

RSVP to Wanda Roberts etrhc.health@tn.gov or Charity Menefee charity.menefee@knoxcounty.org